Упражнение 1. Замените слова личными местоимениями: George and I; taxi driver; mother; Jeremy and his friends; bus; my daughter; trees; me and the neighbor’s dog; Amelia; my grandfather; aircrafts; rain; refrigerator; three tickets; flower girl; neighbor; grass; my friend Maxim; Robert; my brothers; neighbor’s cat; me and my mom; my girlfriend. Упражнение 2. Вставьте на месте пропусков притяжательные местоимения (ориентируйтесь на подлежащее): Jill and Jack write articles for school newspaper. Bob nodded at wife as if he wanted to say «You see?» Do you think they are losing popularity? From place I could watch the people eating lunch. I like new car. I bought it yesterday. He took off jacket and loosened tie. My mum usually came to office at 4 o'clock. They’ve got two children but I don’t remember We are going to invite all friends to the party. We’re staying at a very nice hotel. room is very comfortable. Упражнение 3. Поставьте ’s в нужное место в предложении, как в примере. Пример: a. Tom is Liza’s cousin. b. Is this Bob car? c. Where’s Billy bag? d. It’s Sara birthday on Monday. e. What’s your wife name? f. Peter is my brother friend. g. Diana flat is in the centre of London. h. My uncle name is Jack.

Mashalove16 Mashalove16    2   16.09.2021 00:23    3

rm819189gmail rm819189gmail  16.09.2021 01:00









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