Упражнение 1. Переведите во предложения в косвенную речь.
«Can you speak French?» — My friend asks …
«Was the trip interesting?» — Dad wonders …
«Is there any food in the jug?» — The fox wonders …
«Do you celebrate your birthday?» — My classmates ask …
«Do they sell toys?» — The child asks …
«Does he like coffee?» — She wonders …
«Did she teach English at school?» — He asks …
«Will he run in the park tomorrow?» — My friend asks ..

ahmadieva05 ahmadieva05    1   21.02.2020 20:57    64

Ramble2285 Ramble2285  03.09.2020 14:01

My friend asks me if I can speak French.

Dad wonders whether the trip was interesting.

The fox wonders if there is any food in the jug.

My classmates ask if I celebrate my birthday.

The child asks whether they sell toys.

She wonders if he likes coffee.

He asks if she taught English at school.

My friend asks if he will run in the park tomorrow.


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