Упражнение 1. Переведите в косвенную речь.

Example: I have already started the test. -> He said (that) he had already started the test.

John has never slept outside.
The Lavrovs have bought to many souvenirs.
My brother has broken his leg.
Samuel has learnt Spanish alphabet.
My parents have gone on holiday.
Vera can’t read.
Andrey has left his keys at home.
My mom has never travelled by train.

Упражнение 2. Переведите в косвенную речь.

Example: The concert finished late. —> He said (that) the concert had finished late.

Colleagues agreed to have dinner at nine.
Sally arrived by car.
They lived in a hotel when they were in Spain.
The children played golf in the park.
My son got up late this morning.
They saw Mark in the street.
Kim was a teacher.
Nikita went to work early yesterday.

Упражнение 3. Переведите в косвенную речь.

Example: I’ll talk to them at work. —> He said (that) he would talk to them at work.

His daughter won’t be able to go.
We’ll have 10 tests next year.
This trip will take much time.
It will snow tomorrow.
My friends will come at 5.
Mark will do this work later.
They’ll build a new house there.
The party will take place next month.
Sammy won’t be able to come.

Упражнение 4. Превратите следующие предложения в косвенную речь.

Example: Jack said: “ I am working hard.” (Джэк сказал: «Я много работаю.») – Jack said (that) he was working hard. (Джэк сказал, что много работает.)

Fred said: “I have invented a new tool”. (Фрэд сказал: «Я изобрел новый инструмент.»)
Mary said: “I will meet my friend.” (Мэри сказала: «Я встречу свою подругу.»)
They told me: “We were really busy.” (Они сказали мне: «Мы были очень заняты.»)
She said: “I live in a small house.” (Она сказала: «Я живу в маленьком доме.»)
He told her: “I am going to the library.” (Он сказал ей: «Я иду в библиотеку.»)
Betty said: “I found my keys.” (Бетти сказала: «Я нашла свои ключи.»)
Mr. Ford said: “I don’t like apples.” (М-р Форд сказал: «Я не люблю яблоки.»)
Little Tim told his mother: “I am tired.” (Маленький Тим сказал маме: «Я устал.»)

squeezy1312 squeezy1312    2   17.04.2020 19:37    11

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