Упражнение 1 (общие во Составьте для каждого утвердительного предложения по одному общему во Пример: I like reading. ответ: Do you like reading?
George is a nice guy. ?
We have talked a lot. ?
She is going to have a baby. ?
You can do this task. ?
We were good friends. ?
Sarah and Michael went to the park the day before yesterday. ?
He could do it without any hesitation. ?
She is a wonderful human being. ?
Упражнение 2 (разделительные во Расставьте «хвостики» в правильном порядке, чтобы получить разделительные во Упражнение 3 (специальные во Исправьте ошибки в специальных во и во к подлежащему. Например: Where lived they? правильный ответ: Where did they live?
Who did come to you? Who to you?
How old she is? How old ?
Where did you found the book? Where the book?
What make you agrees with her? What you agree with her?
What do they knows? What ?
Which song you like more? Which song like more?
Упражнение 4 (альтернативные во Составьте альтернативные во используя дополнительный вариант в скобке. Пример: You live in London. (Moscow). ответ: Do you live in London or Moscow?
She likes green tea. (black). Does she like green or black tea ?
You speak Russian. (English). Do you speak ?
He played the guitar. (the violin). ?
Brown is an architect. (a designer). ?
Watermelon is a berry. (a vegetable). ?
Ann usually watches TV in the evening. (surfs the Internet).

плрол плрол    1   15.05.2020 09:05    1255

OligCh OligCh  22.12.2023 16:54
Упражнение 1:
1. George is a nice guy. - Is George a nice guy?
2. We have talked a lot. - Have we talked a lot?
3. She is going to have a baby. - Is she going to have a baby?
4. You can do this task. - Can you do this task?
5. We were good friends. - Were we good friends?
6. Sarah and Michael went to the park the day before yesterday. - Did Sarah and Michael go to the park the day before yesterday?
7. He could do it without any hesitation. - Could he do it without any hesitation?
8. She is a wonderful human being. - Is she a wonderful human being?

Упражнение 2:
1. Who did come to you? - Who did come to you?
2. How old she is? - How old is she?
3. Where did you found the book? - Where did you find the book?
4. What make you agrees with her? - What make you agree with her?
5. What do they knows? - What do they know?
6. Which song you like more? - Which song do you like more?

Упражнение 4:
1. She likes green tea. (black). - Does she like green or black tea?
2. You speak Russian. (English). - Do you speak Russian or English?
3. He played the guitar. (the violin). - Did he play the guitar or the violin?
4. Brown is an architect. (a designer). - Is Brown an architect or a designer?
5. Watermelon is a berry. (a vegetable). - Is watermelon a berry or a vegetable?
6. Ann usually watches TV in the evening. (surfs the Internet). - Does Ann usually watch TV in the evening or surf the Internet?
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