Упр. 250. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.ПОМГИТЕ

Alexandr2K17 Alexandr2K17    3   22.02.2020 11:46    2

Юролика Юролика  11.09.2020 18:50

ANN. Hello, Kate. I am so glad you have come at last. Where have you spent the morning?  

KATE. I was in the bookstore choosing new books in English.  

ANN. Is it still raining? It is rather dark in the room.  

KATE. No, the rain has stopped, but the wind is blowing. On my way to your place, I met) Mary. Do you know her?  

ANN. Of course, I do. I have known her since childhood. When we were children, we often played together. Where did you meet her? I have not seen her for a long time. What does she look like?  

KATE. She has not changed a bit. She was going to the library when I met her.  

ANN. What did she tell you?  

KATE. She told me she recently had returned from a very interesting trip and that she traveled a lot and saw many interesting things. She wants to see all her friends soon.  

ANN. Oh, then she will come to see me, too, I think.  

KATE. Yes, that will be a pleasant meeting, I am sure. But what is the time? My watch has stopped and I do not know the exact time.  

ANN. It is ten minutes to three.  

KATE. Oh, then let's begin working at once. At four o'clock I must go. My mother will wait for me at the metro station at a quarter past four.


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