Упр.1. В данных предложениях найдите глагол-сказуемое и определите его форму: лицо, число, время, группу, залог.
Пример: The late 19th century saw the discovery of anesthesia (ед. ч время, активный залог).
1. Discoveries and inventions in the medicine have saved many human lives.
2. Alexander Fleming noticed that a certain type of mold can actually kill bacteria. 3. Many natural and semi-synthetic variants of penicillin have been produced.
4. They could not distinguish the active component in the molds.
5. Insulin keeps the blood glucose level in check.
6. In 1853 a French doctor Charles Pravaz developed a hypodermic syringe.
7. Listening to sounds of internal organs with an instrument began in the 19th century.
8. With two hollow tubes, the sounds could be heard with both ears.
9. Science and technology give us new inventions every day.

Упр.2. В следующих предложениях напишите глагол, данный в скобках, в форме страдательного залога (the Passive Voice). Переведите предложения (письменно).
1. Medical history by doctors (write).
2. Antibiotics are natural substances that by bacteria and fungi into the environment (release).
3. Penicillin by Alexander Fleming (discover).
4. Insulin in 1921 (isolate).
5. Scientists from the University of Toronto the Nobel Prize for their discovery (award).
6. In 1956 Colin Murdoch the patents for a disposable plastic syringe (grant).
7. Germs by various scientists (discover).
8. Snow’s work by the government (reject).​

daschkavolf daschkavolf    2   28.05.2020 12:17    87

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