Упр.1 Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени от следующих наречий.

1. easily

2. late

3. hard

4. quietly

5. early

6. fast

7. little

8. far

Упр 2. Вставьте наречие в нужной степени сравнения.

1. Unfortunately, it’s becoming (hard) and (hard) to find a well-paid job.

2. This phrase is (widely) used in spoken Russian than in written.

3. Your test isn’t good. You can do (well) than you did.

4. We walk (fast) than usual to catch the train.

5. I know Daniel (well) than you do.

6. Mary is driving (slowly) than usual, as the road is wet.

7. Of all the group Jimmy did (badly) in the examination.

8. Could you speak (distinctly), please?

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