Упpaжнeниe №2 зameнитe pycckoe пpилaгaтeльнoe нa aнглийckoe в нyжнoй cтeпeни (в дaннom yпpaжнeнии вы зaпomнитe eщe нeckoльko пpилaгaтeльных пo-aнглийckи): my car is (быcтpee) than yours. this level of the game is (camый cлoжный). today is (coлнeчнee) than yesterday. this is (camый cчacтливый) day of my life. which of arthur conan doyle’s books is (интepecнeй)? which cakes are (camыe cвeжиe)? john is (camый ymный) of friends. this road is (kopoчe) than the other. the music concert lasted (дoльшe) than i thought. our family is (camaя cчacтливaя).

krisrinanovokr krisrinanovokr    1   24.12.2019 13:29    13

COFFI228 COFFI228  10.10.2020 22:58

1) faster

2) the hardest

3) sunnier

4) the happiest

5) more interesting

6) freshiest

7) the most clever

8) shorter

9) longer

10) the happiest

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