Употребите существительные, данные во втором столбике, в нужной по смыслу предложения форме прилагательного. 1. Be careful when you go for a walk in the forest. There may be some ………snakes around. POISON
2. The German …. explains that he gets all his energy from sunlight. SCIENCE
3. They prefer to avoid … cities completely. NOISE
4. Some people believe that the most … way is to study English in Britain or in any other English-speaking country. EFFECT
5. it is a … place with narrow streets filled with cafes CHARM
6. He was adopted by a … western family. WEALTH
7. If you have already found such a person, you're … . LUCK
8. Venice was a … place and we enjoyed our trip greatly. FANTASY

veta991 veta991    1   12.11.2020 10:19    0

madoleh madoleh  12.11.2020 10:20

4талслулцллцытьвлкз2зущвлчьс мтамщище8зузвдсад

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