Употребите соответствующую форму глагола tobeи переведите предложения: 1.My father ... a lawyer. Now he is retired.
2.This book ... very interesting.
3.Their friends ...good students.
4.We ... in London last summer.5.Nextweekwe... free.
2. Употребите соответствующую форму глагола tohaveи переведите предложения:
1. The Smiths ... a good house in the suburbs.
2. We ... much work to do yesterday.
3. She ... a meeting at the college tomorrow.
4. Usually we ... short breaks between lectures.
5. Jane... littlefreetime.
3. Замените подлежащее соответствующим личным местоимением и переведите предложения:
1. Mike and Jackare friends.
2. My brotheris a doctor.
3. Bob is in the office now.
4. Her sisteris a lawyer.
5. Susandoesn’tspeakSpanish.
4. Замените местоимение, указанное в скобках, соответствующим притяжательным местоимением и переведите предложения:
1. (He) house is in the country.
2. (They) classes begin at 8.30 a. m.
3. (She) son is a businessman.
4. (They) names are John and Jake.
5. (You) motherisbeautiful.
5. Поставьте личные местоимения в форму объектного падежа и переведите предложения:
1. Tom helps (she) with the home work.
2. We saw (he) in the street yesterday.
3.Give (I) your pen, please.
4. I have a sister and a brother. I love (they).
5. My elder brother has a dog. He often takes (it) for a walk.
6. Употребите подчеркнутое существительное в форме множественного числа, произведите необходимые измененияи переведите предложения:
1. We have a classtoday.
2. Take your childto the park every day.
3. There is a tomatoon the plate.
4. This shelfis big.
5. Fred visited a cityin England.
7. Употребите вместо точек оборот thereis/thereareи переведите предложения:
1. ... many flowers in the garden.
2. ... a cinema in your street?
3. ... some snow on the ground.
4. ... some water in the bottle.
5. ... any cars in the yard?
8. Употребите нужную форму глагола и переведите предложения:
1. Yesterday the Browns (to go/went) to the cinema.
2. As a rule Tim (to buy) clothes in the supermarket.
3. Tomorrow we (to go) to the theater together.
4. Last time Peter (to play) chess with Jill.
5. I often (to read) books.
9. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму и переведите их:
1. Chris swims very well.
2. Steve cooked a cake for dinner.
3. Sheila learns English.
4. Ralf and Rita stayed home yesterday.
5. On Saturday we’ll go to the library.
10. :
1. Mary listens to music in the evening. (When ... ?)
2. Sue drives car well. (Does ... ?)
3. His aunt lived in the center of the city. (Did ... ?)
4. Students will take exams in the end of May. (When ... ?)
5. My mom always sends me New Year presents. (Does... ?)
11.Употребите подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол.
1. ... I сомеin? (may/must)
2. You ... take my pen. (can/ must)
3. Children ... go to school every day. (can/must)
4. Drivers ... be more careful. (may/should)
5. ... you swim? –No, I ... . (can/may; can’t/may not)

Ajosha Ajosha    1   12.12.2021 15:44    3

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