Употребите пассивный залог в следующих предложениях 1. someone must call the police 2/ we can easily correct this mistake 3/ they may easely fool you so be careful 4/ one can not learn a foreign language in a few weekso 5/ they have to do it right now 6/ you can see these these pictures in the pussian museum. 7/ we should warn them about the danger. 8/ you can hear this hit everywhere. 9/ people must keep dangerous chemicals in a safe place. 10/ you shouldn't leave the doors unlocked

боб68 боб68    2   28.08.2019 05:20    5

MasterHaris MasterHaris  06.10.2020 00:02
1/ The police must be called.
2/ This mistake can easily be corrected.
3/ You may easily be fooled by them, so be careful.
4/ A foreign language can not be learnt in a few weeks.
5/ It has to be done right now.
6/ These pictures can be seen in the Russian Museum.
7/ They should be warned about the danger.
8/ This hit can be heard everywhere.
9/ Dangerous chemicals must be kept in a safe place.
10/ The doors shouldn't be left unlocked.
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