Understanding time 0 Since the earliest times, civilizations have understood the (0) importance of time. IMPORTANT

12 If you want to plan your future, or simply know how long things take to do, then the precise (12) of time is a necessity.

13 That's why ancient cultures put such a lot of effort into the development of (13)___ calendars and clocks.

14 At first, people used the (14) of movements in the night sky as a way of predicting annual events.

15 The Ancient Egyptians realised that it would be (15) to divide days up into smaller units of time.

16 They were responsible for the (16) of the system of twenty-four hours in a day that we still use today.

17 The first clocks were sundials using the (17) of the Sun's shadow to mark the passing of the day.

18 This worked well in sunny countries but was (18) for places where the sky was often cloudy.

19 People living there had to wait for the development of the mechanical clock before they could tell the time with any degree of (19).

BlaBla1aquamarine BlaBla1aquamarine    3   29.10.2021 19:26    26

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