Умоляю! ! ! вставьте глаголы в пропуски по смыслу. listened enjoyed invited liked visited played thanked danced watched yesterday i … my friend. she … me to her birthday party. i gave her flowers and a gift. she … my present and … me. we … rock-n-roll, … board games, … to pop music and … cartoons. i … the party.

JUGGERNOUT JUGGERNOUT    1   20.09.2019 05:00    0

коьик1 коьик1  21.08.2020 12:16
Yesterday I met my friend. She invited me to her birthday party. I gave her flowers and a gift. She took my present and thanked me. We danced rock-n-roll, played board games, listened to pop music and watch cartoons. I love the party.
Alou16 Alou16  21.08.2020 12:16
Yesterday I visited my friend. She invited me to her birthday party. I gave her flowers and a gift. She liked my present and thanked me. We danced rock-n-roll, played board games, listened to pop music and watched cartoons. I enjoyed the party.
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