Допиши предложение, определи тип по глаголу первой части.
Пример: If the cartoon is not interesting he … (leave). – If the cartoon is not interesting he will leave.
Mary would look much better if she … (be) slim. – Mary would look much better if she was slim.
1. If the train is delayed my aunt … (be) late. -
2. She would have gone to the park if the snow … (stop). -
3. We will miss the bus if we … (not run.)
4. If John had given me the letter I … (tear) it to pieces.
5. If you move too slowly you … (not win) the game.
6. If he lost his job he … (move) to the country.
7. He would invite them if they … (behave) themselves.
8. If Tim were more careful he … (not break) his phone.
9. If he had had a bike he … (ride) there.
10. We wouldn’t have got wet if we … (put on) our mackintosh.

bulycheva0303 bulycheva0303    2   27.04.2020 21:17    0

kek129 kek129  13.10.2020 23:40

Допиши предложение, определи тип по глаголу первой части.

Пример: If the cartoon is not interesting he … (leave). – If the cartoon is not interesting he will leave.

Mary would look much better if she … (be) slim. – Mary would look much better if she was slim.

1. If the train is delayed my aunt … (will be) late. - I

2. She would have gone to the park if the snow … (had stopped). - III

3. We will miss the bus if we … (do not run.) I

4. If John had given me the letter I … (would have torn) it to pieces. III

5. If you move too slowly you … (will not win) the game. II

6. If he lost his job he … (would move) to the country. II

7. He would invite them if they … (behaved) themselves. II

8. If Tim were more careful he … (would not break) his phone. II

9. If he had had a bike he … (would have riden) there. III

10. We wouldn’t have got wet if we … (had put on) our mackintosh. III

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