Умоляю. переведите ! once upon a time there lived a little boy. his name was bill. bill didn’t live in town. he lived in the country, and looked after sheep. he was not a very good boy. he often fell asleep watching the sheep, and he also told lies. once upon a time there lived a little boy. his name was bill. bill didn’t live in town. he lived in the country, and looked after sheep. he was not a very good boy. he often fell asleep watching the sheep, and he also told lies. the people who lived there often said, “that boy will come to a bad end”. one day bill wanted to play a practical joke on the people. he ran down the hill and cried, “wolf! wolf! help! come quickly! wolf! ” all the people ran very fast to him as they wanted to safe him. but when the people ran up to the boy they saw no wolf.

102009 102009    2   03.08.2019 20:20    8

arinaaaaaaaaa0 arinaaaaaaaaa0  03.10.2020 20:51
Когда-то давно жил маленький мальчик. Его звали Билл. Билл не жил в городе. Он жил в деревне, и ухаживал за овецами. Он  был не очень хорошим мальчиком. Он часто засыпал, наблюдая за овцой, и он также сказал ложь. Люди, которые жили там часто говорил: "Этот мальчик придет к плохой конец". Однажды Билл хотел сыграть злую шутку. Он побежал вниз по склону и крикнул: "Волк! Волк Иди скорей! Волк! "Все люди бежали очень быстро к нему, как они хотели его. Но когда люди подбежали к мальчику они не увидели  волка.
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