Ультра-умы .

+переведите на язык, подчеркивая причастие i или причастие ii, указывая в круглых скобках, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого.

1. unless properly prepared the investigatory experiment must not be conducted.
2. preparing for the seminar we studied the chapter of the present constitution reflecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of russian citizens.
3. when tried at the district court the case was quashed.
4. amendments and alternations to the criminal executive legislation adopted by june of 1992 had considerably changed penitentiary policy for the better.
5. while sentencing a person to a term of imprisonment the court determines in what institution the convicted criminal must serve his sentence.

нпрр нпрр    1   15.09.2019 19:51    13

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