Укого есть про злого монстра которого звери боялись и ему фея !

komissar1809 komissar1809    1   30.08.2019 01:40    1

kuskova2004oziqru kuskova2004oziqru  20.08.2020 18:23
In one magic forest there lived a monster, all of them were very afraid. He always harmed everyone. There was one more inhabitant in the forest. She was a fairy, she was very kind and on the contrary helped everyone. Once the fairy decided to go to this monster, she wanted to talk to him And explain what is good and what is bad. She came to Nimu and explained everything to him, she said that his behavior and actions in no way do anyone better than anyone. She told him that everyone would hate him that way. She asked him if He needs it, and he replied that he does not. To the surprise of the fairy, he was very stupid.
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