Укажите, в каких предложениях имеется конструкция «сложное подлежащее», переведите их письменно.
1. Labour, machinery, raw materials, energy are known as inputs.
2. Labour, machinery, raw materials, energy are known to be inputs.
3. The Gross National Product per head is considered when living standards are measured.
4. It was supposed that the transportation problems of the firm would be solved in the near future.
5. Every producer is supposed to study the market carefully before starting the production of new goods.
6. Taxes are assumed to redistribute incomes within an economy.
7. It appears that electronic commerce is one of the most developed markets.
8. Rapid introduction of credit cards all over Russia is unlikely at present.
9. New banking services seem to come into life rapidly.
10. Positive economics is sure to play an essential part in social life.
11. High tech industries prove to bring in a considerable share of national income in the USA.