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They build tunnels, canals,
power stations, dams and reservoirs. They also construct aqueducts to store and transport water
for populated areas and to irrigate desert lands. The distribution of water in irrigated areas is
based on annual plans. Very many irrigation systems have been built and are being built and
modernized. Hundreds of dams, reservoirs, locks, pumping stations have been erected on the
rivers of our country by our hydrotechnicians,
The person entering this honourable profession must have a scientific attitude, imagination,
initiative and good judgement, obtained by experience and serious work,
Civil engineers and architects have a common aim to provide people with all modem
conveniences, such as running water, gas, electricity, central heating. While a sanitary engineer
protects the quality of water by treating and purifying this water when it is used for domestic
purposes, an architect is a person who designs buildings. An architect must receive a great deal
of scientific training connected with his profession. He must know mathematics, as well as many
facts concerning materials - for example what loads different materials may safely carry - so that
there will be no danger of his building falling down. Architects must need some knowledge of
sculpture, painting, design, mechanical engineering, geography, city planning, etc. The structure
an architect creates should give us pleasure, a sense of beauty.