у меня Соч 3 Complete the conversation.

/skylight/ /green house/ /beams/
/alternative/ /spring/ /electricity/ /technology/ /mud/

Anita: My aunt and uncle are building an eco home.

Ella: Really? What's it like?

Anita: It's very nice inside. It is got big wooden and stone floors and a in the roof to let the sunlight in. They made the walls from

Ella: Cool! Does it look like an old house from the past?

Anita: No, not at all. It has lots of modern

Ella: Are they using energy?

Anita: Yes, they make from solar power and they have a windmill, too.

Ella: Do they grow their own food?

Anita: Yes, they have a in the garden. And they use water from a to water the plants. ​

killfa killfa    3   26.12.2020 08:34    42

MmVl MmVl  30.11.2021 04:36
I’m going back to the house to go with your dad to get your stuff ready and ready to be picked out by your place in. I’m going back to the house yyyyy. I’m not going back to the office to see what the plan