Types 0, 1, 2, 3 (Conditionals)
Choose the correct item.
1 If you like/liked/had liked extreme sports, you
will love bungee jumping.
2 If you go to The Mona Foundation, you would
see/would have seen/will see lots of rescued
3 If Greg had had/had/has a bigger room at the
youth hostel, he would be happier.
4 If Bob hadn't been/won't be/not be so fit, he
wouldn't have been able to walk the
Appalachian Trail.
5 They would have stayed in a hotel if they had
had/had/will have more money.
6 If I were you, I do/will do/would do something
about global warming.
7 If you would put/put/had put water in the
freezer, it turns to ice.
8 The girls had been/would have been/will be safe
if they hadn't left the trail.

AnVe AnVe    1   25.04.2020 19:12    273

MeucaH123aksi MeucaH123aksi  10.01.2024 18:12
1. If you like extreme sports, you will love bungee jumping.
- In this sentence, we are talking about a present situation or a general truth. The correct answer is "like" because it matches the verb tense - present simple - used in the first part of the conditional sentence.

2. If you go to The Mona Foundation, you will see lots of rescued chimps.
- This sentence is also referring to a present situation, so we need to use the verb tense that matches the first part of the conditional sentence. The correct answer is "will see."

3. If Greg had a bigger room at the youth hostel, he would be happier.
- In this sentence, we are talking about a hypothetical or unreal situation in the present. The correct answer is "had" for the first part of the conditional sentence because it matches the past simple verb tense used in the second part of the sentence.

4. If Bob hadn't been so fit, he wouldn't have been able to walk the Appalachian Trail.
- This sentence is talking about a past situation and a hypothetical result. The correct answer is "hadn't been" for the first part of the conditional sentence because it matches the past perfect verb tense used in the second part of the sentence.

5. They would have stayed in a hotel if they had had more money.
- This sentence also refers to a past situation and a hypothetical result. The correct answer is "had had" for the first part of the conditional sentence because it matches the past perfect verb tense used in the second part of the sentence.

6. If I were you, I would do something about global warming.
- This sentence is talking about a hypothetical or unreal situation in the present. The correct answer is "were" for the first part of the conditional sentence because it matches the past simple verb tense used in the second part of the sentence.

7. If you put water in the freezer, it turns to ice.
- In this sentence, we are talking about a present situation or a general truth. The correct answer is "put" because it matches the verb tense - present simple - used in the first part of the conditional sentence.

8. The girls would have been safe if they hadn't left the trail.
- This sentence is referring to a past situation and a hypothetical result. The correct answer is "hadn't left" for the first part of the conditional sentence because it matches the past perfect verb tense used in the second part of the sentence.
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