твір Going Shopping 18 речень не сложный написать написать как выходу с дома заходу в магазин выбираю продукты оплачиваю и тд

Fashion258 Fashion258    2   25.02.2022 02:19    0

mgvzvit2005 mgvzvit2005  25.02.2022 06:00

as I go to the store. First, I make a shopping list. Usually it is not very long. in this list I write products and household chemicals. when I made the list I start to dress up. I dress warmly, I wear a warm jacket, jeans and boots. When I got dressed, I leave the house and go to the nearest supermarket from my house, it is five minutes from my house, I come to the store and look for the product I need, today I need milk, bread, pasta, carrots and potatoes. I go to the department with vegetables, I buy what I need. and I go to the cashier to pay, after I have paid I go home. and already at home I sort out all the purchases

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