Тут я вообще ничего понять не могу . Write one new sentence using the verb in brackets and
the present perfect or present perfect continuous.
1. john came to the bus stop 20 minutes ago. There is still
no bus,(wait)
2. I didn't speak German at all three years ago. I know it
perfectly now (learn)
3. Shelly is driving to Newcastle. She left at 13.00 and it is know 15:00 (drive)
4. The window is broken The children did it (break)
5.They are playing tennis. The match started at 12:00
and is still going on, (play)
6. I don't have my keys I left them at home (forget)
7. My sister started to tell me a joke. The joke is not
finished yet (tell)
8. Ed saw the film at the cinema and then watched it
again at home. (watch)

Puma20050412 Puma20050412    3   18.05.2021 21:32    10

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