Turn from active into passive. omit the agent where it can be omitted. 1. they kill elephants for ivory elephants are killed for ivory, (omitted) 2. homer wrote the "iliad" 3. people chop down a lot of trees every year. 4. the government will introduce new measures against crime. 5. someone has burgled ann's house 6. she offered me a cup of tea 7. they check passports at passport control 8. a million people visit the cathedral every year 9. someone has stolen mike's bicycle

ggggdcdxf ggggdcdxf    1   16.06.2019 14:30    25

TRЮM TRЮM  13.07.2020 10:27
2.The "Iliad was written by Homer.
3.A lot of trees are choped down by people every year.
4.New measures against crime will be introduced by the government.
5.Ann's house has been burgled by someone.
6.A cup of tea was offered me by her.
7.Passports are checked by them at Passport Controll.
8.The cathedral is visited by a million people every year.
9.Mike's bicycle has been stolen by someone.
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