Turn from active into passive as in the example: 1 He gave me a present. I was given a present.(more usual). A present was given to me.(less usual).

2 The waiter will bring us the bill.
3 The Queen presented him with a medal. 4
Her mother bought Mary some sweets.
5 Bob has sold Ted a second-hand car.
6 Larry is going to send a letter to Tom.​

HICKOinc HICKOinc    3   09.02.2021 21:12    96

maksalina2 maksalina2  12.01.2024 11:45
1. The bill will be brought to us by the waiter. (The active sentence "The waiter will bring us the bill" is transformed into passive by using the past participle "brought" and the appropriate auxiliary verb "will be")

2. He was presented with a medal by the Queen. (The active sentence "The Queen presented him with a medal" is transformed into passive by using the past participle "presented" and the appropriate auxiliary verb "was")

3. Mary was bought some sweets by her mother. (The active sentence "Her mother bought Mary some sweets" is transformed into passive by using the past participle "bought" and the appropriate auxiliary verb "was")

4. A second-hand car has been sold to Ted by Bob. (The active sentence "Bob has sold Ted a second-hand car" is transformed into passive by using the past participle "sold" and the appropriate auxiliary verb "has been")

5. A letter is going to be sent to Tom by Larry. (The active sentence "Larry is going to send a letter to Tom" is transformed into passive by using the past participle "sent" and the appropriate auxiliary verb "is going to be")
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