ответ: Oliver is disappointed like all boys. The master will not give him food. But Oliver will not give up and will say: is it so hard to just cut bread, or make soup out of water? We are all hungry and want to eat! Please! The master will feel ashamed and sorry for the boys and say: Argh, okay, I'll give you some more, come here. After that, the boys asked for more food and the master were given food with a pure soul.
Объяснение: №139 школа 6 Г не пишите это если ищите >=[ это только из за
ответ: Oliver is disappointed like all boys. The master will not give him food. But Oliver will not give up and will say: is it so hard to just cut bread, or make soup out of water? We are all hungry and want to eat! Please! The master will feel ashamed and sorry for the boys and say: Argh, okay, I'll give you some more, come here. After that, the boys asked for more food and the master were given food with a pure soul.
Объяснение: №139 школа 6 Г не пишите это если ищите >=[ это только из за