Trapped! Last year I went on holiday to the French Alps with my parents and brother. We are all keen mountain climbers and we were looking forward to five days of climbing. We weren't planning to get to any great height but rather to concentrate on a series of challenging smaller climbs. The first day we tackled a 50-metre cliff face. It was a popular climb and there were several teams doing the same thing. It wasn't too difficult and we were all at the top within a couple of hours. (1)_G_ It was about 11 am and the sun was really starting to warm the rock face. We didn't fancy descending it in the midday sun so we decided to wait a few hours and explore the surroundings. My brother and I set off to explore some nearby caves. We'd done a bit of caving before and these caves looked pretty exciting. (2)After about 10 metres the passageway became really narrow. I told my brother we'd better leave. (3)He could hear water and was sure there was an underground lake not far ahead. I wasn't so sure but before I knew it my brother had crawled through the passage. (4) Reluctantly I started pushing myself through the narrow gap. I was scared. It was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing. I felt the cold rock pushing against my chest. I was finding it hard to breathe. And then suddenly I was stuck. (5)I couldn't move forwards and I couldn't move backwards. I screamed out to my brother. He could just reach my arm. He pulled and pulled but I was going nowhere. Of course, he couldn't go and get help because I was blocking his way out. For ten minutes we yelled and yelled but no one came. My body was sore and although the walls of the cave were cold, a hot sweat covered my body. I was beginning to feel dizzy. (6)I imagined us both dying there. After what felt like hours we heard voices calling our names. I was too weak to respond butmy brother called back. Within seconds our parents were with us. My dad tried pulling me out. I screamed out in pain and he realised that we needed professional help. The helicopter arrived more than two hours later. My body was freezing. (7)I was on the point of giving up when the rescue team showed up. They knew exactly what to do. They sprayed a substance over the rock face and then slowly started to pull gently. Then with one sudden jerk I was free. (8) Then amazingly a few seconds later I was joined by my brother who just squeezed himself back through with no problem at all. I was taken by helicopter to hospital but released that evening. Apart from a bit of bruising I was fine. Вместо цифр вставьте буквы A My parents later told me they were scared they were going to end up losing me
B. He wanted to continue
C. My leg was broken in two places.
D. I wriggled and wriggled but it was no good
E. My brother kept telling me to hang in there.
F. He called me to join him.
G. The views were incredible +
H. I staggered out, exhausted but relieved
I. They were deep and dark.

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