Translate the text SCHOOL YEARS
Now you are going to finish school you can look back and think a little about the future.
First of all, you will have to take examinations, then the school year is over.
Let us hope that you will receive excellent marks, but remember the school programme
is not to be well prepared for each exam.
Now let us look again into the future. The exams are over, and you are happy, but what
are you going to do next? This is a very important question.
Your parents and teachers will help you to decide it. There are three roads open to you.
You can either enter a technical secondary school or university. All of them are important
and useful. So why not learn the trade of a builder, a farmer, a dressmaker or some other
trades after finishing school. Workers, specialists in these trades are always needed. Some
of you may already know what you will be by trade. Others have not decided yet. Of course,
it is not easy to decide, as there are so many different trades, but let us hope that you will
make a right choice.