Translate the following sentences. 1. вчера вечером шел дождь, поэтому я остался дома. 2. он звонил мне, когда мы ужинали. 3. солнце садилось за горы, когда я подошел к селу. 4. я сидела у окна, когда вдруг услышала чьи-то голоса. 5. я взглянул на мэри, которая все еще дрожала от холода. 6. мы говорили о джимми, когда он вбежал в комнату. 7. войдя в дом, она увидела мужчину, который пытался открыть дверь силой. 8.колы я вернулся, том лежал на диване и разговаривал по телефону. 9. полиция поймала дэна, когда он грабил магазин. 10. лило как из ведра, когда мы проходили вдоль вашего дома.

Jack1703 Jack1703    3   18.11.2019 13:04    0

dadmaeva426 dadmaeva426  18.11.2019 15:03
1. it rained last night, so i stayed home. 2. he called me when we had dinner. 3. the sun was setting behind the mountains when i reached the village. 4. i was sitting by the window when i heard voices. 5. i looked at mary, who was still shivering. 6. we were talking about jimmy when he ran into the room. 7. as she entered the house, she saw a man trying to force the door open. 8.when i got back, tom was lying on the couch talking on the phone. 9. the police caught dan when he robbed the store. 10. it was raining when we passed your house.
Choch121 Choch121  18.11.2019 15:03


1. it rained last night, so i stayed at home. 2. he called me when we had dinner. 3. the sun was setting behind the mountains as i approached the village. 4. i was sitting by the window when i suddenly heard someone's voices. 5. i looked at mary, who was still trembling from the cold. 6. we talked about jimmy when he ran into the room. 7. entering the house, she saw a man who was trying to open the door by force. 8.kola i returned, tom was lying on the couch and talking on the phone. 9. police caught dan when he was robbing a store. 10. lilo is like a bucket when we walked along your house.


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