Translate the following sentences: 1. он спросил, собирается ли она домой. 2. он спросил, знает ли она пита. 3. он спросил, много ли у нее денег. 4. он спросил нину, была ли она когда-нибудь в париже. 5. они спросили, видели ли они ника, когда пришли в кафе

катя5089 катя5089    3   01.10.2019 13:00    0

tisochkin123 tisochkin123  09.10.2020 07:48
He asked, she going to go home?
2 he asked, she knows Pit?
3he asked, how many money she has?
4he asked Nina, she was in paris?
5 he asked, they saw nick when they came to cafe
alyasen2006 alyasen2006  09.10.2020 07:48

1. He asked if she was going home. 2. He asked if she knew Pete. 3. He asked how much money she had. 4. He asked Nina if she had ever been to Paris. 5. They asked if they saw Nick when they came to the cafe.

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