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i. phases of investigation
the objectives of the investigator provide a convenient division of the investigation into three phases: ( 1 ) the criminal is identified; (2) he is traced and located; and (3) the facts proving his guilt are gathered for court presentation. this division is made for convenience of discussion, since the three phases are not necessarily separated in time but are usually fused throughout the investigation. the same evidence, moreover can of¬ten be used for all three objectives.
identifying the criminal.
in the first stage the criminal is identified, i.e., some person is identi¬fied as the perpetrator of the criminal acts. ordinarily the identity of the criminal is discovered in one or more of the following ways: confession, eyewitness testimony, or circumstantial evidence.
tracing and locating the criminal.
the second phase of the investigation is concerned with locating the offender. obviously many of the steps previously suggested for identify¬ing the suspect will also lead to his location. usually the criminal is not hiding; he is simply unknown. in those cases, then, the problem is primar¬ily one of identification. in many cases, however, it is necessary to trace a fugitive who is hiding.
proving the guilt.
it is assumed that the criminal has been identified and is now in cus¬tody. the investigation, however, is far from complete; it has en-tered the third and often the most difficult phase, namely, gathering the facts neces¬sary in the trial to prove the guilt of the accused.
the final test of a criminal investigation is in the presentation of the evi¬dence in court. the fact of the existence of the crime must be established; the defendant must be identified and associated with crime scene; competent and credible witnesses must be available; the physical evidence must be appropri¬ately identified, its connection with the case shown; and the whole must be presented in an orderly and logical fashion.
ii. tracing
a great part of investigative work is devoted to "finding" missing or wanted persons. the solving of a case frequently depends upon locating the perpetrator. the proper presentation of a case in court involves the discovery and identification of witnesses. the search for a person is fre¬quently a simple matter of a few telephone calls or a visit to a house. at other times, however, the hunt (поиски) can become a lengthy and com¬plicated ordeal.
the search for persons commonly requires a search of records and an application of various sources of information. the term "tracing" is used here to describe all of these procedures. a patient study of records and the information from officials are often necessary to obtain additional evi¬dence and to locate or to identify a person.
unofficial sources of information such as confidential informants are often used by investigating officers.
(o'hara. fundamentals of criminal investigation)
вопросы к тексту:
1. what phases is the investigation usually divided into?
2. are the three phases necessarily separated in time?
3. what does the identification of the criminal mean?
4. in what way is the identity of the criminal ordinarily discov¬ered?
5. what does primarily the problem lie in if the criminal is un¬known?
6. what must be done to prove the guilt of the accused?
7. what is the great part of investigative work devoted to?
8. what does the proper presentation of a case in court involve?
9. why are a patient study of records and the information from of¬ficials very often necessary for investigating officers?
10. are unofficial sources of information used by investigating of¬ficers?