Translate into english: 1. ми знаємо вас і вашу родину. 2. мері браун — продавець. їй подобається її робота. 3. їхні батьки перебувають зараз за кордоном. 4. я знаю його дітей. їхні імена поль та елізабет. 5. ми знаємо його та його дружину. вони щаслива пара. 6. ваша дочка є вам удома? — так. 7. не беріть ці книжки. вони мені потрібні. 8. дідусь і бабуся зараз у саду. віднесіть їм ці газети, будь ласка.

taotourp00p0i taotourp00p0i    2   29.09.2019 20:40    2

алоал алоал  09.10.2020 03:50

1 we know you and your family

2 Mary Brown is a saleswoman. she likes her job

3 their parents are abroad right now

4 i know his kids. theirs names are Paul and Elisabeth

5 we know him and his wife

6 does your daughter help you at home? - yes, she does

7 don't take these books. i need them

8 grandma and granddad are in the garden right now. bring them these newspapers, please

вевпончд вевпончд  09.10.2020 03:50

1. we know you and your family

2. Mary Brown - the seller. she likes her job.

3. their parents are abroad now.

4. i know his children. their names are Paul and Elizabeth

5. we know him and his wife. they are a happy couple

6. does your daughter help you at home? - yes

7. dont take these books. i need them

8. grandpa and grandma are in the garden now. take these newspapers to them, please

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