Translate from Russian into English using and short forns. 1.Он покатался на колесе обозрения. 2.Они летали на вертолете. 3.Его друг водил автобус. 4.Она испекла именинный торт. 5.Моя сестра пригласила своих друзей. 6.Я путешествовал по Испании со своей семьёй. 7.Мои одноклассники смотрели этот фильм три раза. 8.Тони прочитал эту книгу. 9.Она не каталась на верблюде. 10.Мой друг не водил машину. 11.Они не плавали на пиратском корабле. 12.Его маленькая сестра не видела воздушных гимнастов. 13.Я не встретилась со своими друзьями.14.Мы не сделали это задание. 15.Мой брат не нашёл свои ботинки. 16.Мой одноклассник не поговорил со своей сестрой. 17.Они не упаковали свои чемоданы.

аолесдвда аолесдвда    1   18.02.2021 10:43    714

melenam08041974 melenam08041974  15.01.2024 18:00
1. He rode the Ferris wheel. (Он покатался на колесе обозрения.)

- We use the verb "rode" to talk about the action of riding a form of transportation, such as a bike, car, or in this case, a Ferris wheel. "Ferris wheel" refers to the specific type of ride.

2. They flew in a helicopter. (Они летали на вертолете.)

- The verb "flew" is used to describe the action of traveling through the air. "Helicopter" refers to the type of aircraft they flew in.

3. His friend drove the bus. (Его друг водил автобус.)

- The verb "drove" is used to talk about the action of operating a vehicle. In this case, it is a bus. "Friend" refers to the person who was driving.

4. She baked a birthday cake. (Она испекла именинный торт.)

- The verb "baked" is used to describe the action of cooking in an oven. "Birthday cake" refers to the specific type of cake she made.

5. My sister invited her friends. (Моя сестра пригласила своих друзей.)

- The verb "invited" is used to describe the action of asking someone to join an event or gathering. "Friends" refers to the people she invited.

6. I traveled around Spain with my family. (Я путешествовал по Испании со своей семьёй.)

- The verb "traveled" is used to describe the action of moving from one place to another. "Spain" refers to the specific country they visited. "Family" refers to the people they traveled with.

7. My classmates watched this movie three times. (Мои одноклассники смотрели этот фильм три раза.)

- The verb "watched" is used to describe the action of observing something, usually a movie or TV show. "Movie" refers to the specific form of entertainment they watched. "Three times" indicates the number of times they watched it.

8. Tony read this book. (Тони прочитал эту книгу.)

- The verb "read" is used to describe the action of looking at and understanding written words. "Book" refers to the specific form of written material Tony read.

9. She didn't ride a camel. (Она не каталась на верблюде.)

- The verb "ride" is used to describe the action of sitting on and controlling an animal or vehicle. "Camel" refers to the specific animal she did not ride.

10. My friend didn't drive a car. (Мой друг не водил машину.)

- The verb "drive" is used to talk about the action of operating a vehicle. In this case, it is a car. "Friend" refers to the person who did not drive.

11. They didn't sail on a pirate ship. (Они не плавали на пиратском корабле.)

- The verb "sail" is used to describe the action of traveling on water with the help of sails. "Pirate ship" refers to the specific type of ship they did not sail on.

12. His little sister didn't see the air acrobats. (Его маленькая сестра не видела воздушных гимнастов.)

- The verb "see" is used to describe the action of perceiving something with the eyes. "Air acrobats" refers to the specific performers she did not see.

13. I didn't meet up with my friends. (Я не встретилась со своими друзьями.)

- The verb "meet up with" is used to describe the action of coming together with someone, usually for social reasons. "Friends" refers to the specific people I did not meet up with.

14. We didn't complete this assignment. (Мы не сделали это задание.)

- The verb "complete" is used to describe the action of finishing a task or assignment. "Assignment" refers to the specific task we did not complete.

15. My brother didn't find his shoes. (Мой брат не нашёл свои ботинки.)

- The verb "find" is used to describe the action of discovering the location of something. "Shoes" refers to the specific item my brother did not find.

16. My classmate didn't talk to his sister. (Мой одноклассник не поговорил со своей сестрой.)

- The verb "talk to" is used to describe the action of having a conversation with someone. "Sister" refers to the specific person my classmate did not talk to.

17. They didn't pack their suitcases. (Они не упаковали свои чемоданы.)

- The verb "pack" is used to describe the action of putting items into a suitcase for traveling. "Suitcases" refers to the specific items they did not pack.
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