Транскрипцию на ! when i was 5 years old i was interested in drawing. when i was 8 years old, i went to art school and graduated after 4 years. when i was 10 years old, i went to drama courses, but i left them because i was not interested. and at the age of 12 i went to a music school to play a
guitar and still study there. at the age of 13 i went to the piano and am still studying there. i think i need all these things for future education.

Nikslava Nikslava    2   08.10.2019 15:50    0

drfast555 drfast555  10.10.2020 04:39

уэн ай уоз 5 йиэз оулд ай уоз ˈинтристид ин ˈдроин. уэн ай уоз 8 йиэз оулд, ай уэнт ту ат скул энд ˈгрэдьюейтид...

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