Только ответы 1)we look forward from you soon. hearing to hearing heard to hear five sailors the nautilus were waiting in the small boat. into from below under 2)lanny had to admit that she read anything without her glasses. shouldn`t mustn`t can`t couldn`t 3)foxes and deer are almost the only wild animals that can in england. hunt be hunted to be hunted be hunting 4)it was a bit but an interesting topic. argumented argument argumenting argumentative 5) i`m sorry this office is so dirty but it can`t tomorrow morning at the earliest. clean cleaning be cleaned be cleaning 6)why have you bought this broken car. don`t you remember i warned you against it? buys buying having bought buy stone picked up by child on the banks of orange river in south africa in 1866 was a big diamond. -/ -/ the/ the a/ -/ the/ the the/ a/ the/ - the/ a/ -/ the 8) choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. pubs are an important part of life in britain but aren`t open to everyone. he they its it 9)our family goes big celebrations at christmas. in for forward towards down 10)i`ll be back from the business trip next friday. good-bye everybody! before then until then right then since then 11)"don`t put your bicycle near my window," said the shopkeeper to me. the shopkeeper told me not to put my bicycle near his window. the shopkeeper said me not to put my bicycle near his window. 12)"i promise i`ll write to you as soon as i arrive, jane", said nick. nick promised jane that he would write to her as soon as he arrived. will write to her as soon as he arrives. would write to her as soon as he arrives. would write to her as soon as he would arrive. 13)a: anything to drink, sir? b: i just have a glass of water, please. should would will have 14)the town itself isn`t particularly interesting but the are beautiful. surround surroundings surrounded surroundedly 15)the hill was too steep for you . climb climbing to climb climbed 16)he studied sculpture because he enjoyed with clay. to be working working to have worked to work 17)"please hand in your the end of the examination" - the teacher said. to test tester tests tested 18)sanobar and gulchiroy started to go to the health spa in 2015. they 2015. have been starting to go to the health spa in went to the health spa since have been going to the health spa since have gone to the health spa for 19)the party was very as i had expected to see all my old friends there but they didn`t turn up. disappoints disappoint disappointing disappointed 20)prague is a very beautiful city. it is famous for medieval district and picturesque rivers. his it`s its it 21)allow the cake for five minutes before taking it out of the tin. cool cooled cooling to cool 22)he should to the club with pleasure, if he angry with you. had come/ had been have come/ hadn’t been had come/ hadn’t been have come/ had been 23)let me explain what you have to do. first you take the photos and sort them into categories.then you them according to subject file are filing have filed filed 24)the food looked perfectly to me. nicely good well deliciously

Мария12Мария12 Мария12Мария12    2   03.09.2019 12:00    2

LastGirlOnEarth LastGirlOnEarth  06.10.2020 14:41
1to hearing   from   2couldn't   3be hunted  4argumentative  5be cleaned  6buying  7The/a/the/a   8they  9in for  10until then  11The shopkeeper told me not to put my bicycle near his window.  12will write to her as soon as he arrives  13will  14surroundings  15to climb  16working  17tests  18have been going to the health Spa since  19disappointing  20its  21to cool  22have come/had been  23file  24good
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