Только нужно что бы было с объяснением fill in the blanks with the appropriate articles. 1 the weather is nice. shall we take … taxi or shall we walk? 2 i have been neither to … paris nor london yet. 3 the trip was very tiring and … train was uncomfortable and slow. 4 shall we travel by … train or by air? it’s up to you to decide. 5 the bus crawled very slowly and … passengers felt impatient with the driver. 6 there were no people at the station. only … taxi driver was waiting for … rare passengers to take them to their hotels.

KatyaTishkina KatyaTishkina    3   05.10.2019 09:40    2

Policehig Policehig  09.10.2020 21:23
3) the
4) -
5) -
6) a; -
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