To find / take a shelter; a packed sand; a bamboo hut; a dry-laid stone wall;
to have smb’s hide; domed mountains;
to intertwine all these aspects; made of small saplings;
a private dwelling; a crude thatch;
a bundle of nerves; to bury the columns into the ground;
to span a river with a bridge; to lay out the reed on the top;
a concrete pole, the ridge pole; to daub;
to restrict certain information; a tree bark;
to rafter; to be responsive to smth.Translate from English into Russian the following wordcombinations:

1256545544 1256545544    3   09.09.2021 02:27    198

евгения2066 евгения2066  16.01.2024 05:55
Найти / занять укрытие; упакованный песок; бамбуковая хижина; сухая каменная стена;
иметь кого-либо в виду; горы в форме купола;
переплетать все эти аспекты; сделанный из маленьких саженцев;
частное жилище; грубая крыша из соломы;
связка нервов; зарыть колонны в землю;
перекинуть мост через реку; выложить тростник сверху;
бетонный столб, венец столба; намазать глиной;
ограничить определенную информацию; кора дерева;
кровельная рейка; быть реагирующим на что-либо.

Translate from English into Russian the following word combinations:

- To find / take a shelter - Найти / занять укрытие.
To find a shelter means to discover or locate a safe place to stay, usually during a dangerous or threatening situation. Taking a shelter is similar, but it implies actively going to a designated place for protection.

- A packed sand - Упакованный песок.
Packed sand refers to sand that has been tightly compacted or compressed. It is often used as a base for construction or as a stable surface for activities such as sports.

- A bamboo hut - Бамбуковая хижина.
A bamboo hut is a small, simple dwelling made primarily from bamboo. Bamboo is a versatile and sustainable material that is commonly used in many parts of the world for building structures.

- A dry-laid stone wall - Сухая каменная стена.
A dry-laid stone wall is a wall that is constructed without the use of mortar or any other binding material. The stones are carefully selected and placed in such a way that they fit together tightly, creating a stable and durable structure.

- To have smb's hide - Иметь кого-либо в виду.
To have someone's hide means to be determined to punish or criticize them severely. It is an idiomatic expression used to convey strong disapproval or a threat of consequences.

- Domed mountains - Горы в форме купола.
Domed mountains are mountains that have a rounded or dome-like shape at their peaks. This can be due to erosion or geological processes that result in a smooth, curved appearance.

- To intertwine all these aspects - Переплетать все эти аспекты.
To intertwine all these aspects means to interconnect or combine them in a way that they are closely linked or intertwined. It suggests that the different elements or factors are interconnected and cannot be separated easily.

- Made of small saplings - Сделанный из маленьких саженцев.
Made of small saplings means that something is constructed or created using thin, young trees or tree branches. Saplings are young trees that have not yet fully matured, and they can be used in various ways, such as for building temporary structures or for crafting items.

- A private dwelling - Частное жилище.
A private dwelling refers to a residence or a place where someone lives and it is used exclusively by them or their family. It emphasizes that the residence is not shared or used by multiple households.

- A crude thatch - Грубая крыша из соломы.
A crude thatch is a rough or basic roof covering made from straw or other plant materials. Thatching is a traditional method of roofing that uses layered vegetation to create a waterproof barrier.

- A bundle of nerves - Связка нервов.
A bundle of nerves is an idiomatic expression used to describe someone who feels extremely anxious, nervous, or agitated. It implies that the person is highly strung or overly sensitive.

- To bury the columns into the ground - Зарыть колонны в землю.
To bury the columns into the ground means to place or insert the columns into the soil so that they are completely covered or hidden from view. This is often done for stability and support purposes in construction or architectural projects.

- To span a river with a bridge - Перекинуть мост через реку.
To span a river with a bridge means to construct a bridge that extends or stretches across a river. The bridge is built in such a way that it provides a pathway or connection between two points on either side of the river.

- To lay out the reed on the top - Выложить тростник сверху.
To lay out the reed on the top means to place or arrange reeds on the upper surface or layer of something. Reeds are tall, slender plants often found near water bodies, and they can be used in construction or for various other purposes.

- A concrete pole, the ridge pole - Бетонный столб, венец столба.
A concrete pole, the ridge pole refers to a vertical, cylindrical structure made of concrete that serves as a support or reinforcement. The ridge pole specifically refers to the highest horizontal part of a roof or structure that supports the weight and provides stability.

- To daub - Намазать глиной.
To daub means to cover or coat something, usually a surface or material, with a thick or sticky substance such as clay or mud. It is often done for weatherproofing or decorative purposes.

- To restrict certain information - Ограничить определенную информацию.
To restrict certain information means to limit or control access to specific details or knowledge. It implies that only certain individuals or groups are allowed to know or have access to the specified information.

- A tree bark - Кора дерева.
A tree bark refers to the protective outer layer or covering of a tree's trunk or branches. It acts as a shield against external elements and helps to regulate moisture and temperature.

- To rafter - Кровельная рейка.
To rafter means to attach or install roof beams or rafters, which are supporting structures that form the framework or skeleton of a roof. Rafters provide structural integrity and support for the roof covering.

- To be responsive to smth - Быть реагирующим на что-либо.
To be responsive to something means to react or respond positively and in a timely manner to a particular stimulus or situation. It suggests that someone is attentive and willing to take appropriate action.
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