Tips on using electronic media safely 1 Set a time limit. Give yourself about 1-2 after your time is up, do some kind of hours a day to use any type of electronic activity that will exercise your body media you want for entertainment, and your mind , 2 Never do your homework or study 5 Remember that not everything you while you're using electronic media. read on the Internet is true! People are 3 Don't use electronic media in your not always who they say they are, and bedroom. Keep all sources in the living teens often make bad decisions about room and out of your bedroom, the things they share. Think carefully 4. Take a break to stretch out your before you type or post. You can't take muscles after an hour of sitting. Also, it back, and it can cause a lot of harm. 7.R6 What is the writer's opinion on teens using electronic media? How can the information in the text help you? Pronunciation /e/, // Listen and tick (—). Listen and repeat. Can you think of more

Tips on using electronic media safely 1 Set a time limit. Give yourself about 1-2 after your time is

186Kbkz 186Kbkz    1   05.02.2022 23:47    3

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