Tion 16
4 activate look at the photo of the helicopter
4 activa
rescue and follow the steps in the writing
e rescuers
o writing guide
imagine that you took the photo of the
helicopter rescue. write a story with the title a
brave rescue
ordis in
think and puan
1 when and where did the rescue happen?
2 what happened to the person on the
3 how did the rescuers know about the
4 why was the rescue dangerous?
5 how did the rescue end?
it onto
out to it.
paragraph 1: introduction
the rescue
paragraph 2: the people and the rescue
there was were.
paragraph 3: the end and your opinion
the rescuers.
oon as
d check
when, while as soon as
there was there were
past simple and past continuous verbs
linking words
he went
30 ​

sasjhapodkolzin sasjhapodkolzin    1   18.12.2019 13:25    1

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