Тhis is cinderella. she is young and thin and she has long hair. she is wearing a nice dress and small shoes. she can dance very well. look! she is dancing now. дать ответы 1) is cinderella young or old? 2) is she thin or fat? 3) is her hair long? 4) what is she wearing? 5) what can she do well? 6) what is she doing now?

Kulkovadarya97 Kulkovadarya97    3   19.05.2019 01:00    1

morni228 morni228  12.06.2020 06:29

Cinderella is young.

She is thin.

She has long hair.

She is wearing a nica dress and small shoes.

She can dance very well.

She is dancing now.

Отметь моё решение, как лучшее. Очень надо.

















barbariskaulyaЮлия barbariskaulyaЮлия  12.06.2020 06:29

Она молода и тонкие, и у нее длинные волосы.Она одета в красивое платье и малых обуви.Она может танцевать очень хорошо.Она танцует сейчас.

She is young and thin, and has long volosy.Ona wearing a beautiful dress and small obuvi.Ona can dance very horosho.Ona dancing now.

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