THINK! Make a list of everything you spend each week, and organise it into categories (e.g. food, transport,
entertainment). Do you spend your money the right way? Discuss
in pairs.

nynsikram nynsikram    3   19.10.2020 09:18    70

Lily566 Lily566  18.11.2020 09:18

ответ:Money is a universal equivalent that serves as a measure of the value of any goods and services, and can be exchanged directly for them. In its form, money can be a special commodity, a security, a sign of value, various goods or values, records on accounts. Money is used to Express the value of various goods, since money is easily exchanged for any of them. I think I'm spending my money right. Because I save money and don't spend it on nothing. What do I spend all this money on? 18% food, 2% utilities, 22% clothing, 4% cosmetics, 1% medicine, 2% transportation, 26% entertainment, 1% social expenses, 4% education, 1% car expenses, 6% home improvement, 11% loans 3% other expenses


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