They C.
True, False, Not Stated
Marilyn told herself that Ria's instructions about what to do on arriving in
Dublin had been excellent. Ria advised that she should get a bus to the city.
leave her bags, and walk up to have breakfast in a Grafton Street coffee
shop. This way she could pass O'Connell Bridge on the River Liffey, the on
trance to Trinity College, and she would see the various bookshops and gift
stores which she might like to explore later. After breakfast she should go
up and walk around St Stephen's Green. A few statues and places of interest
were listed in the program, ending up at a place where she should take a
taxi, pick up her luggage, and head for Tara Road. One of the people already
mentioned would be there to welcome her and show her around.
It had all gone very well. Marilyn had not properly remembered the whole
city from her visit before. It had certainly changed and become much more
attractive. The traffic was much denser, the cars bigger, the people better
dressed. Around her were foreign accents, different languages. It was not
only the American tourists who came to the craft shops nowadays, the plac-
es seemed full of other Europeans.
At around eleven thirty her feet were beginning to feel tired. It was time
to find her new home. The taxi-driver told her a tong complicated tale of
unhappiness about there being too many taxis allowed on the streets of the
exploring the world, that he was sorry that he hadn't gone to America like
bisa brother, who now had a German wife. As he drove into Tara Road, he
When Marilyn came to Tara Road, the door was opened by a dark, good-
welcome to Tara Road," he said arm Colm Barry, neighbour and friend."
Ria's photographs had not lied. The house was wonderful. On the table
was a huge bowl of roses. Ria asked me to leave those for you," he said.
expect this is where you'll be, I'm sure all the details were written out for
you. It took Ria several weeks to prepare for your visit."
2. Ria gave Merilyn some pieces of advice about what to do in Dublin.
3. When Merilyn arrived in Dublin, she bought some books and gifts.
4. Marilyn had never been in Dublin before.
5. Marilyn came to Dublin from America.
6. Marilyn was disappointed with what she saw in the streets of the city.
7. The taxi-driver was not satisfied with his life in Dublin.
8. Tara Road was Merilyn's final destination.
9. Ria was expected to come to Tara Road in a week.

kharchenko219633 kharchenko219633    3   22.12.2020 09:50    562

dgfdgrrfd dgfdgrrfd  21.12.2023 07:15
1. Данный текст рассказывает о прибытии Мэрилин в Дублин по совету ее знакомой Рии. Мэрилин следовала инструкциям Рии и сначала отправилась в город на автобусе, оставила свои сумки и, прогуливаясь по улице Графтон, зашла в кофейню. Затем она прошла по мосту О'Коннелл через реку Лиффи, увидела вход в Тринити Колледж и посетила несколько книжных магазинов и подарочных лавок. Завтракая, она отправилась в парк Святого Стивена, где также было несколько статуй и интересных мест. Затем она должна была найти такси, забрать свой багаж и отправиться в Tara Road, где на нее ждал один из упомянутых ранее людей.

2. Верно. Ria дала Мэрилин советы о том, что ей делать в Дублине, включая посещение магазинов с книгами и подарками.

3. Неверно. В тексте не указано, что Мэрилин купила книги и подарки после приезда в Дублин.

4. Неверно. В тексте упоминается, что Мэрилин посещала Дублин раньше, но не помнит его полностью.

5. Верно. В тексте указано, что Мэрилин прибыла в Дублин из Америки.

6. Неверно. Мэрилин обрадовалась тому, как город изменился и стал более привлекательным. Она заметила, что вокруг нее были иностранные акценты и разные языки.

7. Верно. Водитель такси не был доволен своей жизнью в Дублине и рассказал Мэрилин о проблемах с большим количеством такси на улицах города.

8. Верно. Tara Road была окончательным пунктом назначения Мэрилин.

9. Неверно. В тексте нет информации о том, что Рия должна была приехать в Tara Road через неделю.
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