There are 13 words which shouldn't be in the sentences. find them. there can be only one in each line. some lines are correct. the moment, there is so much more competition in travel business that holiday organizers are having had to include more and more in their packages all the time. the latest idea is about the "all-in" holiday, a package which it includes everything from food and drinks to entertainment and excursions. this may be sound like an excellent deal, but the only real winners are being the tour operators and travel agents. the biggest losers are the host countries, as tourists no longer need to spend the money on daily basics, entertainment or travel. it's also the case that local hotel owners must have to work hard to provide all the food , services and facilities that tourists have ever been promised, while they lose out the chance to make a profit by charging for the "extras" that guests were used to pay for. nevertheless, "all-in" seems to be the future of package holidays. ​

zobitkov zobitkov    2   13.03.2019 21:00    1

RassvetZaGorami RassvetZaGorami  25.05.2020 05:49

я нашла только две: more , had

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