1 (your headache/not go away)
If you don't take an aspirin, your headache won't go
e of
Laura wants to go to Rome.
2 (she/visit the Coliseum)
Let's get a taxi to the airport
3 (we/pay a lot of money)
I'd rather stay in the sun a bit longer.
4 (you/get sunburnt)​

cmpunk559 cmpunk559    2   03.11.2020 18:14    63

shaimyr24 shaimyr24  22.01.2024 19:26
1. "If you don't take an aspirin, your headache won't go away."

Explanation: This sentence is a conditional sentence type 1. It expresses a real and possible condition in the future. In this case, the condition is not taking an aspirin, and the result is that the headache won't go away.

Step-by-step explanation:
- The sentence starts with the conditional conjunction "If."
- It is followed by the negative form of the auxiliary verb "do not" + the base form of the main verb "take."
- "An aspirin" is the object of the verb "take."
- The result or consequence of not taking the aspirin is expressed by the independent clause "your headache won't go away." Here, "your headache" is the subject of the sentence, "won't go" is the negative future form of the verb "to go," and "away" is an adverb indicating movement in a particular direction.

2. "Laura wants to go to Rome."

Explanation: This sentence expresses Laura's desire or intention to go to Rome.

Step-by-step explanation:
- The subject of the sentence is "Laura."
- "Wants" is the present tense form of the verb "to want."
- The verb is followed by the infinitive phrase "to go to Rome," which functions as the direct object of the sentence.
- "To go" is the infinitive form of the verb "to go," and "to Rome" is a prepositional phrase indicating the destination.

3. "Let's get a taxi to the airport."

Explanation: This sentence suggests taking a taxi to the airport instead of using other means of transportation.

Step-by-step explanation:
- "Let's" is a contraction of "let us," which is a suggestion or invitation.
- The verb "get" is used to indicate the action of acquiring or obtaining something.
- "A taxi" is the object of the verb "get," indicating what should be obtained.
- "To the airport" is a prepositional phrase indicating the destination.

4. "I'd rather stay in the sun a bit longer."

Explanation: This sentence expresses a preference to remain in the sun for a little while longer.

Step-by-step explanation:
- "I'd" is a contraction of "I would," indicating a conditional preference.
- "Rather" is used to introduce an alternative choice or preference.
- "Stay" is the base form of the verb "to stay," indicating the desired action.
- "In the sun" is a prepositional phrase indicating the location or condition.
- "A bit longer" is another prepositional phrase modifying the verb "stay," indicating the desired duration.

5. "If you get sunburnt."

Explanation: This is a dependent clause that introduces a condition.

Step-by-step explanation:
- The sentence starts with the conditional conjunction "If."
- It is followed by the subject pronoun "you" and the verb "get" in the base form.
- "Sunburnt" is an adjective indicating the condition or state of getting burned by the sun.
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