THE YOUNGER GENERATION KNOWS BEST Conflicts between parents and their childron have oxistod for ages. In former times parents usually had bigger power over children, Times have changed and now everything is different. Arguments are very common between older and younger members of the family. Very oflen after such quarrels chilldren are offended with their parents or the other way round. Who has been right and who has been wrong? This question usually remains undecided. First of all I would like to mention that the younger generation has a kind of character which often makes them tell their own opinions. The youth have usually a different view on everything and I think this is the main reason for all disagreements. Moreover they are sure that only they are right. Maybe in somo cases it is true. The younger generation is much better prepared to live in modern society. They have better access to contemporary science, mass media, computers, I'm sure that parents aren't right in cases which concem the youth's environment and their problems. Older people don't know and even aren't interested in the youth s affairs and difficulties, so they can't talk such matters, It can also happen sometimes that parents are just wrong without any special reason Everybody can mako a mistake. The majority of teenagers are still at school. They oflen have wider knowledge than many older people. Teenagers are always up-to-date with achievenments of contemporary science or professional knowledgo. We can therefore sec that it's very difficult for older generation to speak about cases which concern things taught at school. It's possible that the young man knows much more and will be right. On the other hand we have to take into consideration that both older and younger people can be wrong. In some cases, however, we have to ngree without any doubt everything that the older claim. I'm convinced that there are some values, experiences or just knowledge which you will not learn at any school. You must go though some events or problems to get to know them. Some people call it the truth of life. Young people haven't lived long enough to experience much, so I think that they sometimes can't speak about some matters. In addition to that our parents are bound to educate and take care of us. They want to teach us about life as much as possible, Therefore, even when children think that their parents are wrong, they shouldn't quarrel with older people and try to prove that younger generation is always right. Our paients, teachers, older friends want all the best for us. To sum up, we have to admit that often the matter of a disputo affects its result. It depends on the subject of the controversy who is right, I also want to point out that these quarrels have often no rational reason. The character of young people on the one hand and older people with their outlooks on life on the other hand can't enable consent, I have to say that the sentence that younger generation knows best is not always true,​

allornothing allornothing    1   24.11.2020 22:14    13

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