The young people below all want to do аn art course during their school holidays. оn the opposite page there аге descriptions of eight short art courses. decide which course would bе the most suitabie for the following people. for questions 6-10, mark the correct letter (а-н) оn уоur answer sheet. 13.alice wants а course to help her with her drawing skills, particularly with drawing the latest styles of clothes, shoes and bags, because she wants to study this later at college. 14.darius loves making comic books, but isn't confident about his drawing. не wants to draw superheroes and animals and create adventures about them, but doesn't want to display his work. 15.cassie enjoys making pictures and objects from different materials. during the course she'd like to use her love of sport in her designs, and visit аn exhibition to get new ideas. 16.маге is talented at drawing, but also likes filming his friends оn аn old digital cаmеrа. не wants to develop this skill bу learning to use тоге advanced equipment, and рrераrе for further study. 17.наrrу has done а course about printing оn рарег, and would like to learn how to print оп other materials. не also wants to produee something to take home and wear. k short art courses a wild art this course concentrates оп teaching drawing and painting, and you'll use your new skills to make а wall poster оп the theme of animals, to take home. and we've got lots of picture books from galleries around the world to give you ideas! there'll bе аn exhibition of everyone's work at the end, too. с create! this course is all about telling good stories in pictures. there'll bе cartoon films to watch, and instruction in how to draw уоur favourite characters - but уоur imagination is much more important than уоur drawing skills here! the course includes а visit to а cartoon museum. е art matters this course will concentrate оn different drawing techniques, including using inks and colour. we'li get you to draw live models wearing designer fashions and sportswear - so if you like designing fashion and think уоur future is in this агеа, then this course is for you! g arts centre ever wondered what your comic stories would look like оп film? here's your chance to find out! bring along your own comic drawings or prints - good- quality оnеs if possible - and we'll transfer the action from your page onto the screen! film show of the best cartoons at the end! в colourscape соте and make а bag to keep your school games clothes in! we supply lots of colourful wool and printed cotton - yоu choose the design and colour (like your favourite football оr hockey team there'll also bе а trip to а gallery to help yоu get creative in your designs. d art attack you'll work оп developing creative skills,like printing, photography, cartoons and movie-making, using the latest technology. this course is great for аnуоnе wanting to take these subjects at college. good drawing skills аге helpful оп this course, and students' work will bе put into а book, where suitable, for everyone to buy. f art magic this fun course shows you how to design and make fashion jewellery from natural materials, and particularly how to use photography to help you get ideas for your designs. 50 if you have your own camerа, bring it along! h rainbow bring along а clean white t-shirt for this fun course! using printing inks and paints, we'li show you how to transfer а picture onto your t-shirt and create а special artwork that you саn put оп for everyone to admire!

Артем2357 Артем2357    2   01.10.2019 01:10    110

AvroraMessi AvroraMessi  01.10.2019 01:10
Что делать ? где вопрос? опиом-'_-: '& --"-+: ''""
katyalychenko katyalychenko  15.01.2024 08:03
13. Alice wants a course to help her with her drawing skills, particularly with drawing the latest styles of clothes, shoes, and bags, because she wants to study this later at college.

The most suitable course for Alice would be the Art Matters course (E). This course focuses on different drawing techniques, including using inks and color. It also offers the opportunity to draw live models wearing designer fashions and sportswear. This course is specifically designed for individuals interested in designing fashion, which aligns with Alice's future aspirations.

14. Darius loves making comic books but isn't confident about his drawing. He wants to draw superheroes and animals and create adventures about them but doesn't want to display his work.

The most suitable course for Darius would be Art Attack (D). This course focuses on developing creative skills, including printing, photography, cartoons, and movie-making, using the latest technology. Drawing skills are helpful, but not essential. Students' work will be put into a book, where suitable, for everyone to buy, ensuring that Darius's work doesn't have to be displayed publicly if he doesn't want it to be.

15. Cassie enjoys making pictures and objects from different materials. During the course, she'd like to use her love of sport in her designs and visit an exhibition to get new ideas.

The most suitable course for Cassie would be Colorscape (H). This course focuses on creating and making a bag using colorful wool and printed cotton. It allows for personal choice in design and color, such as incorporating elements from her favorite sports team. Additionally, a trip to a gallery is included, which will provide Cassie with fresh inspiration for her designs.
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