The world in 2020. In 2020 we will watch our immune systems in real time and prevent illnesses instead of getting ill. With 3D bioprinting technology we will print human organs like livers and hearts By 2020, we will have a cheaper material for the solar energy and we will the use solar energy worldwide. Cars will talk to other cars, people and traffic lights. Almost everything will al ways be online. In 2020, very many devices and gadgets will be online just like people. And people we will see many things in Virtual Reality and it will slowly become part of real reality But with all these good things we will have some strange for today problems. The computer viruses will be much more dangerous for people. And people will probably be a bit tired of too much information and news
True or false. Put the a tick "V" or a cross "X" in front of the sentences according to the text.
The organs will be printed just like books when needed.
We will talk to our cars.
There will be problems with electicity.
We will have problems that doesn't exit today.
We will see virtual things in real world.
We will know about an illnes before we get sick with it.
We will watch films only in the offline cinemas.
All people will want to have more and more news and information.
Choose the correct answers according to your point of view and discuss them.
1. Will all the things from the text become true? 2. A) No, because it's only fantastics.
B) Yes, everything will be true. Because of technologies.
C) We don't know. They are only predictions.
Will new technologies make all people happy A) Yes, because people will be more healthy
B) No, because there will be new problems. C) In 2020 there will be happy people.