The United States of Arnerica has many different traditions and ways that people celebrate Christmas Many custorns are similar to the ones in the UK, France, ltaly, Holland, Poland and Mexco. The traditional meal for Western European farmilles is turkey or harm with cranberry sauce. Famlies from Eastern European origins favour turkey with trimmings, kellbasi (a Polish sausage), cabbage dishes, and soups; and some ltalian familles prefer lasagne. Some Armericans use popcorm threaded on sring to help decогate their Christrmas tree! Реople in America like to decorate the outsides of their houses with lights and sormetimes even statues of Santa Claus, snowmen and reindeer. Тowns and cities often decorate the streets with lights to celebrate Christmas. Perhaps the most farmous Christmas street lights In the USA are at the Rockefeller Center In New York. There is a huge Christmas tree with a publc ice skating rink in front of it over Christmas and the New Year.

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