The tudor kings and queens ruled since 1485 and their dynasty lasted 118 years. qeen elizabeth i was the latest tudor, her father, king henry viii, was probably the most famous english monarch. just 18, henry vii came to the throne in 1509. he was forced by his councillors to marry catherine of aragon which he duly did. he became heir to the throne because his elder brother arthur had died in 1502. during his first years of rule he engaged himself largely with foreign policy, defeating both the french andthe scottish in battle in 1512 and 1513. the tudor period was also a time of great cultural significance, giving rise to figures such as the playwright william shakespeare and political figures like sir thomas more and cardinal wolsey.
выдвигая такие личности как драматург Уильям Шекспир и такие политические фигуры как сэр Томас Мор и кардинал Уолси.