The town of perugia is in a quiet part of italy
called umbria. it's 160 kilometres north of the
capital, rome. umbria is famous for its grapes.
every autumn thousands of people travel to
perugia, but they don't go to the town and eat
grapes - they eat chocolate!
the festival is for nine days every october. it's
an important celebration of chocolate and it's
called eurochocolate. they close the streets in
the old town because there are a lot of visitors -
900,000 people from around the world!
there are hundreds of special shops in the
streets. people make chocolate sweets and also
cook with chocolate in front of the visitors.
families buy small things in chocolate. children
get chocolate money, and perhaps a chocolate
animal or a fish
нужно будет это читать и отвечать на рисунке вопрос​

nikniksergeev1 nikniksergeev1    3   21.11.2019 15:08    25

Еваююююююююююю Еваююююююююююю  10.10.2020 14:51

1. October

2. Umbria

3. 900 000 from all world


get chocolate money, and perhaps a chocolate

animal or a fish

valeralera200 valeralera200  10.10.2020 14:51
1 October
2 Eurochocolate
3 900.000 around the world
4 Children get chocolate money and perhaps a chocolate animal or a fish
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